常州市优发国际纺织厂(普通合伙)成立于2013年,注册资金300万元,公司主营产品为工业除尘中使用的PTFE滤料,滤袋及PTFE为主的高比例混纺滤料,滤袋。该产品在有色金属冶炼、发电、垃圾焚烧、玻璃尾窑等各种工业熔炉的烟气与粉尘过滤中得到大量的应用。 现公司拥有专业生产PTFE滤料生产线两条,年生产PTFE针刺毡 100 万平方米。公司产品不仅在国内大受好评,更远销日韩,欧美。 XIFENG TEXTILE is established in 2013 and to be located in the city of Changzhou. Our major products to be PTFE fiber needle felt and filter bag. We have a very reliable supplier (co-operate) to supply high-quality raw material. And with quite strict quality control, the final products—PTFE fiber needle felt is always with high quality. Our company currently holds two manufacturing line which can produce PTFE fiber needle felt 80000 square meter/month. For more requirements, discussion is required. We also do semi-product processing business and we charge certain processing charge.…
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